2014 was an exciting time for Rarts (short for Rejuvenate Arts). We successfully offered rare training opportunities in media techniques and video editing to children and young people. In 2015 Rarts will be rolling out many more training sessions in Essex and the east end solely for the benefit of young people through local frontline work youth clubs and projects. London copy

All course participants get to make their own videos using professional non-linear editing software designed by the world’s leading creative software package suppliers- Adobe. A Rarts team will set-up editing stations and a teaching unit designed to take multiple participants through editing sessions step-by-step. The session is even manned with young helpers that have already completed the training that are ready to support the new individual learners!

Editing the drama her team filmed
Editing the drama her team filmed
Illustration class
Illustration class

What we do at Rejuvenate Arts is to inspire creativity, critical thinking and help those we work with aspire to greater heights. We do this via participant led sessions whereby each individual chooses the direction they will take with their creative production and simply stand by to supply them with the necessary technical ability to make their mini project a success.

To sign up for Rarts sessions to be run at your youth centre, project or club just fill in some details on the contact us page and we will endeavour to get back to you at earliest convenience! Try us out; you wont regret it!

Make Contact

Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible

or email us at: info@rarts.co.uk

The 6 Week course will be held in Ilford, Essex