The Team

Kelvin Benjamin Managing Director

headshotHaving worked with children and young people for 11 years and now working for Redbridge’s Child Protection and Assessment Team Kelvin focuses his energy on helping achieve best outcomes for children day-in day-out. Kelvin has worked for many fulfilling roles for the likes of Goldman Sachs all the way to assisting in AV productions for theatre. Kelvin has shot documentary footage for organisations in the UK, France and Spain. Kelvin is fluent in the art of motion graphics, non-linear video-editing and was a camera operator for years.


Anderson Miguel Course Facilitator

AndersonAnderson a higher education graduate finished a BA in Animation is very gifted in innovation and art. He is sincere with pure ethos and has conceived and watched the progressive success of charitable projects he himself has pioneered. Anderson has an eye for detail and desire for excellence, he comes packed with enthusiasm and an ability to teach.


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